I'm always searching for hidden treasure. Unlike those who search for pots of gold or the Holy Grail, my treasure is a bit more humble. It's finding that undiscovered boutique, full of clothes I'm dying to wear. Or when a friend takes you to a hidden, out of the way restaurant that serves the best sushi you've ever tasted. It's finding a local artist that sells paintings precisely to your taste. That's my Houston treasure, and I hope as I find it, I can share it with all of you.
This is a blog I have considered starting for sometime, but a recent article by Kiplinger Magazine gave me just the kick in the bee-hind that I needed to get started. For those of you that haven't read it, they named Houston the number one city to work, live and play. What caught my eye in the article, was the statistic that 31.3% of Houston's workforce is in a creative field. As Houston isn't typically considered an "artsy" city, I found this to be really freakin' high. So I hope, with the help of this blog, that I can shine some light on all that is unique, fun, fashionable, and culturally stimulating in this award winning city!
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