Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Stache

There is a bizzarro trend that has been growing (pun intended) and popping up all over the place! From t-shirts, to tea towels, the "stache" symbol is running rampant. Everywhere I turn, I see another one. It's like they're breeding. Even design geniuses like Jonathan Adler are jumping on the stachetastic bandwagon. I must admit, I'm a little concerned that this will give the tragic impression that chicks dig guys with mustaches. Sorry gentlemen, unless you are going as pirate for Halloween, the stache is NEVER okay.

So I wanna know....would any of you actually buy anything with the stache on it?


Lynnette said...

haha those are actually all really cute. I still don't see myself buying anything stache related though

Houston's Weekly Chic said...

Soo funny Lynnette! Maybe the glasses or the salt shakers would be fun? The pillows would be great for a guys home office.