
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nutella Pull Apart Bread

Like every other woman on the planet, I now check pinterest first thing in the morning instead of Facebook, and can waste away hours "working" on the addictive site finding DIY projects, beautiful interiors, and of course mouth watering recipes.  Man can I find some recipes (go see my foodie board).  I find some of the most deliciously deadly things you've ever laid eyes on. However, how many of them have I actually attempted to create?  Um, zero. Until this past weekend.  Anyone who has stopped by HWC before know that I rarely to never share food stuffs on this bad boy, but I was so proud of my pinterest recipe attempt that I just had to show it off.  Behold.... 

My version...

So my attempt was not nearly as pretty, but it didn't taste too bad either.  I'm fairly sure it is impossible to mix all of these ingredients together and have an icky tasting dessert, but it was yum.  And the best part, it was ridiculously easy peasy.  See for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! this is so delectable my kind of dessert! packed with sweetness not to mention my favourite obsession, NUTELLA!! will have to try this very soon and sneak it in to my Summer diet :) xo
