Did YOU like Michelle's white one-shoulder gown by Jason Wu? Leave your comment here.
Regardless of your political affiliation, fashion is a universal language. Boy were we excited to see Michelle Obama's daring black and red fade dress by Narciso Rodriguez from his Spring 2009 dress collection. So my question is: Did you love it or hate it? Either way, how exciting that we have a fresh, stylish, and elegantly unobtrusive first lady to look forward to watching. Lemme know what you think!
Very bad taste ..
besides black and red combination is related with comunist socialism anarquist...scary
Its a party dress. Not a suit or some boring shell with pearls.
beautiful. I knew i could count on michelle to step out in something fierce. then again she manages to look pulled together, appropriate, distinct and not alienate by seeming as if an expensive TEAM of stylists are on call 24/7.
@ anon who can even spell
lol losing is tough eh... tee hee hee
I thought her dress was horrible especially for t.v. Red is known as a bad color for t.v. because it shows brighter than it is. I didn't like the pattern/style either. When I saw it, I was shocked due to the brightness and blurred effect it had on my t.v. screen. Poor choice. I'd like to know why their little girl was in solid black which I think is too old of a look for a child. Red is the color of passion and power.
It reminded me of the hourglass bit of a spider
OMG! I didn't think it translated well on tv, but now we have to be scared of anyone who wears black and red?!?!
Loved it! Daring, beautiful and maybe not so subtle but cool not afraid way to be sexy. Watch this one to be a really amazing active and smart first lady. Thank God!
Beautiful dress.
Beautiful family.
Beautiful night.
Beautiful Country.
Loved it, loved it, loved it!!! Simple, stylish, powerful, hassle free, unexpected, different. Overall, FIERCE! I am really looking forward to her four years in the white house for the fashion. I have absolutely no interest in politics.
BO's suit was tasteful as always, Michelle's dress reached new heights of FUGLY. All black with a red hourglass on front...She looked like a black widow spider... is this foreshadowing of what is to come?
Ombre styles are really in this fall. Even if it wasn't the most beautiful example, I applaud her attempt!
black widow. failed abortion/c section. that dress was hideous, inappropriate and made her ass HUGE. BAD BAD BAD and I am a black woman so dont go there with any comment regarding race. it was FUGLY.
Loved it, and love Michelle.
I don't think Michelle could have chosen a less attractive, less flattering dress than this hideous black and red number. I can only say what on earth was she thinking??????????
strange. made her look pregnant. dress was ugly and wierd.
I think the fact that she made a statement is the important thing. She could have just worn the typical dress suit and pearls..boring. At least she spiced it up a bit!
As a Celbrity Stylist, It was really wrong for such a momentous occassion. It will forever eclipse that evening! Fashion is meant to enhance not distract! A couture suit would have been my choice
"Couture suit"..**yawn**
Great man! But poor taste for him! Not suited her totally...
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