Why did you choose to open a gallery in Houston, as opposed to a different city?
It is where I/we live and have established my/our lives.
What is your favorite piece that you own?
My favorite piece that the gallery owns is by Matisse, Dancers. However, my favorite art piece changes on a daily basis, so that would be today's answer!
Pick one artist that you love.
That would be impossible for me.
Pick one artist that you hate.
I do not hate any artist.
What do you enjoy doing outside of spending every last minute of your day running a gallery?
Spending time with friends and family
What would you like the average Houstonian to know about Vaughan Christoper Gallery?
We have a fabulous collection of Master works that the average person can find and afford.

I'd love to know who did the catering/part planning. Might be somebody I could use in the future.
Well, I didn't actually know, but strangely enough, I just got an email from Rachael at A Fare Extraordinaire. They are responsible for the amazing attention to detail. I'll also be adding their info. to the blog.
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